April 20, 2016

SEO Tips for Beginners – 12 Cara Meningkatkan Pengunjung Blog

SEO tips for beginners – 15 ways to Google boost your web site
SEO tips for beginners – 15 ways to Google boost your web site.

As a beginner to search engine optimization (SEO) you need to understand that there is no magic way to rank your web site in the first page of Google, Bing or Yahoo.

Search engines are governed by complex algorithms and it takes a lot of effort to ‘convince’ them that your web site or page deserves one of the top spots.

1. Page Titles and description

The most important characteristics of a page title are:
  • Each page needs to have a unique page title that accurately describes the page’s content.
  • Be brief and descriptive.
  • Help the user understand what the page is about

Home page title: 
The title for your homepage can list the name of your website/business and could include other bits of important information like the physical location of the business or maybe a few of its main focuses or offerings. For example:

Post/other pages title:
Title of other posts/pages of your web site should accurately describe what the page is about and be attractive for the searcher.

A page’s description meta tag is also very important. It gives users, Google and other search engines a summary of what the page is about. Google may choose to show what you type in the description as a snippets for your page or may decide to use a part of your page’s content. 

The guidelines for writing a good description are:
  • Always provide a unique description for all pages, post, products of your website.
  • Keep the size between 150-160 characters.
  • Avoid repeating the title in the description
  • Don’t add too many keywords
  • Try to use the description as a way to ‘advertise’ your page to the reader so that they click on your title and visit the page.

2. Permanent link structure
The permanent link structure is a term used to describe the format of URLS for pages (categories/tags) or individual posts of a web site. It is shown in the browser address bar and in the search results (below the page title).

Guidelines for optimized link structure
  • Make Urls simple and easy to understand for search engines and users
  • Use hyphens ‘ – ‘ to separate the words that make up a url
  • Avoid lengthy Urls with unnecessary information
  • Use words that describe what the page is about but avoid keyword stuffing
3. Breadcrumb
Make sure that you have a breadcrumb in all your internal pages. A breadcrumb is a set of links at the top of the page that aid navigation. 

4. Internal links
When we talk about internal links we mean links in a page that point to other pages within the web site i.e. not external links. 

Internal linking is a very important factor for web site SEO but still many web site owners are not using it correctly. The rules to follow for internal links are simple:
  • Link related articles together either by using keyword anchor text or by using the full article title
  • Make sure that the links are useful both for the user and easy to understand by search engines.
  • Don’t make links for search engines only. An internal link should help the user navigate the site better.
  • Do not use terms like ‘click here’ or ‘[..]’ for internal linking.
  • Don’t overdo it. 4-5 internal links per page are enough (create more if really necessary)

5. Text formatting and the use of H1, H2 and H3
Don’t just publish text on your web site without first doing some basic formatting. This is not good for the user experience and works against your SEO efforts. General guidelines for formatting a post or page on your web site:
  • Use H1 tags for the title of your post
  • Use H2 tags for the main headings of your post.
  • Use BOLD and Italics to draw users attention
  • Don’t use H2 tags for all your headings
  • Write small paragraphs
  • Use a font size that is easy to read

6. The 404 Page
A properly configured 404 page should:
  • Give some info to the user of what happened rather than displaying “Not found”
  • Have a design consistent with the rest of the website
  • Give options to the user to navigate to other pages of the site.

7. Image Optimization
Images are sometimes necessary to enhance the user experience but care should be taken not to create other side effects like problems with page load speed or slow response. 
  • Use Alt Text to describe the image. You can add keywords but don’t overdo it.
  • Use keywords in image filenames (separated with dashes). Avoid using filenames like image1.jpg or person1.jpg. Instead use meaningful names with dashes. For example woman-working-out.jpg
  • Keep all image files in a dedicated folder in your site i.e. www.mydomain.com/images/
  • Optimize the image size. The smaller the size of the image (in KB) the faster is your web site. You can use this free tool from Yahoo to make your image size smaller without losing the quality.

8. Page Speed
Google has many times said that page speed is a ranking factor and yet many webmasters don’t optimize their web sites for speed. 

A web site that loads in less than 8 seconds is more likely to:
  • Rank better in search results
  • Get more page visits per user
  • Get more conversions

9. Mobile friendly web sites
A significant number of searches performed each day are through mobile devices. Many studies over the last 6 months identified that the number of searches using smartphones is steadily increasing especially when it comes to making online purchases.

10. User Sitemap
A sitemap is a list of all posts/pages of your web site. You need 2 types of sitemaps. First an xml sitemap to submit to Google, Bing and other search engines and second an html sitemap to help visitors find your content easier. It is recommended to place a link to your user sitemap from the main menu.

11. Content is still king
In order for the above tips to work you need first and foremost to have good content on your web site. Content is still king and a web site with good, original, quality content can do better in the long run (with or without SEO) than a web site optimized in SEO but with not so good content.
  • Make sure that your content delivers what promised in the title. If for example your title is “How to lose 15 pounds of fat” make sure that your post provides an accurate description (or steps) that someone can follow to achieve the desired result.
  • Check your text for typos, spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Format your text (as explained in Tip 8 above)
  • Provide links within your content (where appropriate) to other pages on your site (or other sites) to get more information.
  • Include references from established research or studies (where appropriate) to prove that what you are saying or suggesting is correct. 

12. Fresh Content
Having fresh content is an incentive for visitors to come back and for search engine bots to visit and crawl your web site more often.



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Alfian Zidny
August 13, 2016 delete

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February 28, 2019 delete

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